Our Lemon & Kiwi Designs readers have loved our free printable animal mix and match puzzles so much that we decided to create an upgraded 3D version of printable animal puzzles for our Premium subscribers!
In this blog article, we are sharing 6 printable 3D animal puzzles that include adorable images of a squirrel, a lion, a tiger, a sheep, an elephant, and a giraffe for your children or students to unscramble in the classroom or at home.
Printable animal puzzles are not only a great way to keep kids entertained, help them develop their problem-solving skills and fine motor skills, they’re also a fun way to learn about different animals. For example, the printable tiger puzzle is a great way to teach kids about the different stripes on a tiger’s coat, while the printable giraffe puzzle is perfect for teaching kids about the different patterns on a giraffe’s coat. The printable elephant puzzle can teach kids about the importance of an elephant’s trunk in their daily lives.

How to Make Printable 3D Animal Puzzles
- Download the printable animal puzzles in PDF form at the bottom of this article by clicking on the “Download Here!” button.
- Print out all 9 pages of the animal puzzles and cut the animal dice templates out along the borders.
- Fold along the lines, fold in the flaps, and glue the flaps in to create 9 cubes.
- Next you’ll need to place the 9 cubes in a 3 x 3 arrangement. The animal puzzle that was marked as “1/9” should be placed on the top left of your 3 x 3 puzzle grid. The cube that was marked as “2/9” should be placed on the top center of your 3 x 3 puzzle grid. The animal puzzle that was marked as “3/9” should be placed on the top right of your 3 x 3 puzzle grid. The animal cube that was marked as “4/9” should be placed on the middle row on the left side of your 3 x 3 puzzle grid, and so on.
- Now you and your children can enjoy rolling the 9 animal paper cubes until they form a complete picture of a squirrel, a lion, a tiger, a sheep, an elephant, or a giraffe!
Download Free Printable Animal Puzzle Cubes
To download these free printable animal-themed mix and match puzzle cubes, simply click on the download button below to get all nine printable animal puzzles (PDF)!
Want more printable mix and match puzzles?
If your kids enjoyed our printable 3D animal puzzle cubes (also known as animal self-correcting puzzles), then they’ll definitely love our other highly popular 2D mix and match puzzles, also known as printable self-correcting puzzles:
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